Electric bikes, with their innovative pedal assist systems, have revolutionised the way we approach cycling. These systems are designed to enhance the riding experience by providing varying levels of assistance, making cycling more accessible and enjoyable for riders of all abilities.

In this blog post, we delve into the debate between two prominent pedal assist systems: torque and cadence-based.

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Understanding Torque and Cadence-Based Pedal Assist

How Torque Sensors Measure Rider Input

Torque sensors, typically located within the bike's drivetrain or bottom bracket, detect the torque or twisting force applied to the pedals.

These sensors translate the rider's effort into electrical signals, which are then processed by the bike's control unit.

Based on the input received from the sensors, the motor adjusts its power output to provide assistance that complements the rider's pedalling effort.

Benefits of Torque-Based Pedal Assist

  • Intuitive Riding Experience: By responding directly to the rider's input, these systems seamlessly integrate human and motor power, enhancing overall enjoyment.

  • Enhanced Control and Responsiveness: Torque-based pedal assist provides precise and responsive assistance, especially on varied terrain.

  • Improved Battery Efficiency: Torque-based systems preserve battery life by delivering power only when needed, minimising unnecessary energy consumption. 


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How Cadence Sensors Measure Rider Input

Cadence sensors are typically located near the crank set or pedal area of the electric bike.

These sensors detect the rotation of the pedals and measure the revolutions per minute (RPM) to determine the rider's cadence.

The data collected by the sensors are then transmitted to the bike's control unit, which adjusts the motor assistance accordingly.


Benefits of Cadence-Based Pedal Assist

  • Consistent Assistance: Cadence-based systems offer steady assistance, regardless of pedalling intensity. Ideal for maintaining a steady pace on longer rides or commutes.

  • Leisurely or Consistent Riding: Perfect for riders seeking a relaxed or predictable experience. Constant assistance allows cyclists to enjoy the scenery or maintain a comfortable pace effortlessly.

  • Affordable Option with Lower Maintenance Costs: Cadence-based systems are often more budget-friendly than torque-based alternatives. They provide electric assistance without straining your finances, with potential savings on maintenance over time.

Choosing the Right Pedal Assist System for You

Factors to Consider

1. Riding Style and Preferences

Consider your personal riding style and preferences. Are you an enthusiastic cyclist who enjoys the feel of natural pedalling?

Or do you prefer a more relaxed, consistent riding experience? Your riding style will influence which pedal assist system best suits your needs.


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2. Terrain and Intended Usage


Think about the terrain you'll be riding on and your intended usage of the electric bike. If you anticipate tackling steep hills or varied terrain, a torque-based pedal assist system may offer better control and responsiveness.

Conversely, if you'll mainly be riding on flat surfaces or city streets, a cadence-based system could provide the consistent assistance you need.


3. Budget Considerations

Evaluate your budget and how much you're willing to invest in your electric bike. While torque-based systems may offer a more natural riding experience, they often come with a higher price tag.

Cadence-based systems, on the other hand, tend to be more budget-friendly, making them an attractive option for cost-conscious riders.


Recommendations for Specific Types of Riders

Enthusiastic Cyclists Seeking a Natural Feel

If you're a passionate cyclist who values a natural pedalling experience and wants precise control and responsiveness, a torque-based pedal assist system is likely the ideal choice for you.

These systems provide intuitive assistance that closely mirrors traditional cycling, allowing you to feel connected to the bike and the road.

Casual Riders or Commuters Seeking Consistent Assistance

For casual riders or commuters looking for a hassle-free riding experience with consistent assistance, a cadence-based pedal assist system is recommended.

These systems offer steady support regardless of pedalling effort, making them perfect for leisurely rides or daily commuting where maintaining a consistent pace is key.


Electric Bike | Eco Bike CoMaking the Right Pedal Assist Choice for Your Electric Bike

Selecting the appropriate pedal assist system is not a one-size-fits-all decision. It's essential to consider your individual preferences and riding needs to ensure an optimal riding experience. 

If you're ready to explore the world of electric biking and experience the benefits of torque or cadence-based pedal assist systems first hand, we invite you to explore our e-bikes collection.

Our range of electric bikes caters to various preferences and riding styles, ensuring that you'll find the perfect option to suit your needs.


Find Your Perfect Pedal Assist System Now!

March 15, 2024